The pre-owned luxury handbag market is one of the fastest-growing segments of retail. Buyers should be aware, however, that counterfeits are also a growing problem. The US Customs and Border Patrol warns against the economic impacts, legal implications, and health and safety risks of buying counterfeit goods.
According to Reuters, social media channels are hot spots for fakes, but counterfeits can also make their way into the secondhand market, making it more difficult to tell real bags from fakes. That’s why it’s important to only purchase pre-owned luxury goods from reputable sources who have invested in authentication technology, trained their teams in buying and selling luxury items, and stand behind the things that they sell.
Dynasty Jewelry and Loan’s trained experts have been buying, selling, and pawning authentic fine jewelry, designer watches, collectible sneakers, and luxury handbags for thirty-five years and use the latest training and technology, including Entrupy, on every item in our inventory. Our Norcross store is a destination for shoppers from all across the region, many of whom make their store on Jimmy Carter Boulevard the first stop whenever they visit Atlanta.
While we’re always happy to help you authenticate your valuables for you, here are some tips that consumers can use to help assess luxury bags for themselves:
Four Simple Ways to Tell if a Luxury Handbag is Real
While proper authentication varies by brand and design, some things are true for most all luxury handbags that make it easier to spot knock-offs.
Construction is Solid
Craftsmanship is a hallmark of any luxury brand, so it’s important to pay attention to the handiwork of the piece you’re examining. Whether sewn by hand or machine, these bags will always have straight, even lines of stitching with no loose threads or imperfections. You should not see any signs of gluing of adhesives.
Branding is Consistent and Neat
The monograms, logos, lettering, and other marks on a luxury bag will always be pristine. The precision with which this is done is difficult for counterfeiters to imitate. Therefore, look out for off-center text, spacing that is uneven, or letters of varying sizes as that may indicate that the bag is a fake.
Quality Materials are Used
While materials vary from one bag to the next, the interior lining, handles and trim, and hardware should all have consistency and a similar level of quality. The outside of the bag should never feel flimsy or unusually smooth or plastic-like, even if it’s a vegan bag, and it should never have bubbles or flakes. Hardware like zippers, rings, and snaps are typically made of metal or another high-quality material.
Features and Overall Aesthetic
When examining a bag, you should be able to compare it to the model as it’s presented on the manufacturer’s website and compare the shape and symmetry. Quality bags have well-defined lines and a balanced shape. Do online research to ensure that the bag you’re looking at matches the construction, liner, and number of pockets listed for that model on the manufacturer’s site.
In the end, the best way to ensure that you’re buying an authentic pre-owned luxury handbag is to shop only with trusted resellers like Dynasty who are experts in top brands like Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Celine, and others.
Stop by our Atlanta showroom to see for yourself why Dynasty is a Destination for pre-owned luxury, or shop our online store today!